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7 phasen der trauer trennung

4 Trennungsphasen: Psychologie, Beziehungen, Trennung

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Und wehe, jemand stört uns bei unserer Selbstmitleids-Party. Hey an alle war so im Netz unterwegs um mit meinen liebeskummer fertig zu werden.

Ich weiß wie das iss ständig diesen scheiß Gefühl ausgesetzt zu sein könnte da ne andere sein die mehr lacht als ich? Mir fällt erst jetzt wirklich bewusst auf, dass ich mit mir nicht sonderlich viel anfangen kann. Ich hab gefragt was los ist.

Die 7 Phasen nach einer Trennung - Ich habe auch alles versucht, Therapie, Medikamente, doch dieses große Gefühl, die Leere in meinem Herzen, kann ich einfach nicht füllen. Ich meine,nicht mal eine Erklärung bis jetzt… War ihm wohl null Wert.

Du hast gerade eine Trennung hinter Dir. Und willst nun wissen, was Dich jetzt verarbeitet. Welche Phasen zu durchlaufen sind, bis die Trennung verarbeitet ist. Wie gut ich Deine Fragen nachvollziehen kann. Denn ich stand vor einiger Zeit vor exakt 7 phasen der trauer trennung gleichen Problem. Eine 7 phasen der trauer trennung hatte mich sehr mitgenommen. Und ich hatte Angst vor der Zukunft. Was käme nun genau auf mich zu. Welche Trennung Phasen hätte ich zu durchlaufen. All das war für mich Anlass genug, mich mit diesem Thema auseinander zu setzen. Und das habe ich auch getan. Auf Basis dieses Wissens habe ich diesen Beitrag verfasst. In dem Du Folgendes erfährst 1 Welche drei Trennungsphasen es gibt 2 wie lange die drei Phasen andauern 3 Was die Phasen der Trennung beim Mann sind 4 Wann die Wut auftritt 5 Wann die Trauer auftritt 6 und wie mein Fazit ausfällt Insgesamt sind drei Phasen zu durchlaufen. Bis der Liebeskummer endlich überwunden ist. Hier stelle ich sie Dir kurz vor: 3 Phasen: 1. Phase, in der der Trennungsschmerz nachlässt Wie verlaufen diese Phasen der Trennung im Regelfall — die Psychologie dahinter. Phasen: Symptome dieser Phase Was passiert in dieser Phase 1. Schock Nicht wahrhaben wollen Das Gefühl, betäubt und gelähmt zu sein man hofft noch immer, dass alles nur ein Irrtum war man hofft, dass der Andere schnell wieder zurückkommt Man kann die Trennung nicht akzeptieren man fühlt sich verraten Derjenige, der verlässt, fühlt sich schlecht Du kannst keinen klaren Gedanken mehr fassen. Alles scheint wie durch eine Nebelwand zu Dir durchzudringen. Du fühlst Dich innerlich leer. Und Du hast die Nachricht von der Trennung zwar erhalten. 7 phasen der trauer trennung das stürzt einen in große Verzweiflung. Dass man nicht gut genug war. Dass man dem Anderen nicht gerecht werden konnte. Und hat keine Kraft mehr, irgendetwas zu tun. Man kann sich kaum auf den Alltag konzentrieren. Und weiß nicht, ob es jemals besser werden wird. Vielleicht kämpft man noch immer verzweifelt um den oder die Ex. Doch auch dies wird in der Regel nicht zum Erfolg führen… 3. Wir fühlen uns nicht mehr so hin und hergeworfen. Sondern kommen wieder zur Ruhe. Wir können nun besser über alles nachdenken. Warum die Beziehung scheitern musste, zum Beispiel. Welche Probleme dafür die Ursache waren. Und wir können die Trennung akzeptieren. Das hilft uns dabei, los zu lassen. Pläne für die Zukunft zu schmieden. Dies ist vor allem dann zu beobachten, wenn einer den Anderen verlassen hat. Dieser befindet sich nun in einem kompletten Schockzustand. Diese Phase kann zwischen 3 und 7 Tagen andauern. Symptome dieses Abschnittes: — Man begreift nicht was passiert ist — Wenn man verlässt, fühlt man sich wegen Vertrauensbruch schlecht — Wenn man verlassen wurde, ist man oft massiv enttäuscht — Oft apathische Züge, gelähmt sein Was passiert in diesem Abschnitt: — Das Unterbewusstsein verdrängt die schlimmsten Schmerzen. Da alles irgendwie egal erscheint. Diesen zu der Rücknahme der Trennung zu bewegen. Es fühlt sich so an, als würde es 7 phasen der trauer trennung schlimmer werden. Bei zusätzlichen Neurosen können auch in seltenen Fällen Depressionen entstehen. Man fühlt sich wieder besser. Die 3 Phasen nach der Trennung und die Dauer 1 Phase: Der Schock Wenn man verlässt, fällt diese Phase häufig aus. Wenn man jedoch verlassen wurde, kann dieser Abschnitt zwischen 3 Tage und 7 Tage andauern. Kann dann binnen weniger Tage abklingen. Phasen einer Trennung beim Mann Es gelten dieselben Prinzipien wie auch bei Frauen. Denn beide Geschlechter durchlaufen die gleichen Phasen. Doch kommt es hier zusätzlich auf den jeweiligen Männertyp an. Jemand, der von Natur aus eher sensibel ist, geht nämlich anders mit der Trennung und dem Liebeskummer um als der Macho des Viertels. Dieser wird den Kummer nicht in sich hinein fressen. Sondern alles tun, um aktiv dagegen anzusteuern. Phasen der Trennung und die Wut Momente voller Wut sind gerade in Phase 1 und 2 oft sehr stark und lassen in Phase 3 nach. Wenn immer wieder Wut aufkommt, dann ist dies ein deutliches Zeichen dafür, dass man noch in einer der beiden ersten Phasen steckt. Wichtig ist jetzt, diese Wut aus sich heraus zu lassen. Und sie nicht weiter in sich hinein zu fressen. Das würde die Situation nämlich nur noch verschlimmern. Indem Du etwa an bestimmte Situationen denkst. Die Wut in Dir auslösen. Boxe richtig in das hinein. Schreie Deine Wut dabei heraus. Bis Du wirklich alles aus Dir heraus gelassen hast. Und Du Dich erschöpft, aber sehr viel besser fühlst. Phasen der Trennung und die Trauer Auch dieses Gefühl ist vor allem in den Phasen 1 und 2 zu beobachten. Die Traurigkeit über die Trennung kann dabei heftige Züge annehmen. Und manchmal einige Zeit lang anhalten. In diesem Fall ist es ebenfalls wichtig, die Trauer zuzulassen. Sie nicht einfach herunter zu schlucken. Höre dabei passende Musik, wenn Dir der Sinn danach steht. Schreibe alles nieder, was Dir gerade durch den Kopf geht. Weine, wenn Du es brauchst. Lasse die Gefühle auch weiterhin zu. So lange, bis Du Dich innerlich erschöpft, aber sehr viel besser fühlst. Fazit Nach einer Trennung durchläuft man in der Regel drei Phasen. Die erste ist geprägt vom Schock: Wir können noch gar nicht wahrhaben, was gerade passiert ist. Wir wollen es auch gar nicht. Denn noch immer klammern wir uns an die Hoffnung, dass alles nur ein schrecklicher Irrtum war. Dass wir doch noch einmal zu dem Anderen zurück finden. Und mit ihm der Liebeskummer. Gefühle wie Trauer, Wut und Verzweiflung sind nun an der Tagesordnung. Auch Antriebslosigkeit und bestimmte Ängste kommen nun in uns hoch. Dies ist die härteste Phase. Die geprägt ist von Emotionen. Doch ist es wichtig, diese Emotionen zuzulassen. So hart es teilweise auch ist. Verdrängen hilft hier jedoch nicht weiter. Sondern verlängert den Liebeskummer nur noch. Ist diese Phase überstanden, geht es stetig bergauf. Wir können uns wieder auf den Alltag konzentrieren. Wir sind am Ende eines langen, dunklen Tunnels angelangt. Dies sind die Phasen, die man vor allem beim Verlassen werden durchläuft. Wie lange diese im Einzelnen andauern, ist von Person zu Person, von Situation zu Situation unterschiedlich. Eine konkrete Dauer gibt es in diesem Zusammenhang also nicht!.

Phasen der Trennung und was du unbedingt wissen musst
Wir haben mehr und mehr Energie für Neues, entdecken verborgene Potentiale, lernen neue Menschen kennen und gehen langsam mehr und mehr unseren eigenen Weg. Da kommt mir so einiges bekannt vor, doch denke ich, dass ich wohl ein Sonderfall bin. Doch nach gewisser Zeit — häufig nach Jahren — wird viele Menschen bewusst, dass die Trennung oder Scheidung auch ihr Gutes hatte und erkennen nun einen Sinn darin. Auch sollten Sie sich nicht zu Hause einschließen und von den Gefühlen verzehren lassen. Daher ist es wichtig, dass wir ein neues eigenes Leben finden. Sie fühlen sich gestärkt, haben viel aus der vergangenen Beziehung gelernt und mitgenommen. Und leider können wir die Gefühle des anderen nicht ändern. Alles ist mir egal u Essen ekelt mich an… Hat jemand einen Rat? Ein Teil von mir ist froh, dass ich aus diesem Teufelskreis ausbrechen konnte. Durch den vielen Stress auf ihrer Arbeit. Oder spielt die Dauer der Beziehung auf die Intensität des Liebeskummers eine Rolle?

0 Tovább

Dating a girl with herpes

Advice for Dating With Herpes

❤️ Click here: Dating a girl with herpes

The timing really depends on the people involved. I have had them for about 2 and a bit years. What arw the issues w having children?

So that 2% to less number comes from abstaining during symptoms. But I am actively working towards it.

Advice for Dating With Herpes - Not all of us are lucky enough to be as clean or as pure as you.. Unfortunately, there's no way to be 100% certain you won't transmit herpes to your partner.

Good afternoon, Yesterday was quite the day. I've always had a fear of STDs, I'm not sure why, I'm just a germo. I've gotten better as I've gotten older, but I've tried to be careful to protect myself. Yesterday, my girlfriend received test results from her gyno appointment. She apparently requested a full battery of tests, to try and fully ease my mind as we discussed my worries in the past and she was confident she didn't have anything. Well, it turns out she test positive for HSV2. We've been dating for 5 months, probably have sex about 3 times a week on average. We have used condoms every time except twice. She was quite shocked, as was I. I didn't, and don't know what to say. Statistically speaking, I know the odds I contracted it are very small. Most of the data I've read indicate somewhere around 2% per year from female to male with regular condom use. I believe her when she says she didn't know she had it, else why come clean now. I guess the point of this thread... I'm searching for advice. Has anyone dealt with this situation? I'm sure they have. Finding out down the road that their partners has herpes. What did you do? What mental steps did you take to move forward? What options do I have? As far as I can figure if I want to try and stay with her, perhaps just suggesting we don't have sex while I sort through this is a good approach. I care a lot for her, but I'm also realistic. Taking the risk of contracting it assuming I haven't already is a big risk even if statistically small as women I'd date in the future I'd obviously have to tell assuming I tested positive. I've always had trouble connecting with others, so limiting the future dating pool sounds like a bad choice. ANY thoughts are appreciated. My brain can't seem to spit them out. I'm at my gyn right now to confirm possible herpes last week he told me it was warts. I told my boyfriend who actually lives in Mexico he has been very supportive. I didn't know I had it if that's what it is until I noticed bumps near my butt, but I tryed applying tea tree oil and woke up next morning with swollen irritated vagina xalk in doc took a look and said she thinks it's herpes, but I suggest if you truly love your gf stay with her and support her she's gonna need it!! Well, if you look at it from your perspective, your dating pool is limited as is, see since 1 put of 4 women have hsv 2. Now those numbers are of just hsv 2, they do not include the numbers of women who have hsv 1 genitally. That now limits your pool even further w that mentality and even further if you won't date anyone who has hsv 1 orally. Do you break up w a girl who has hsv 1 orally, cause she can pass it during oral sex? Do you ask girls if they have hsv 1 orally before kissing them? I doubt you do. So why is she any less than, because she has down there? Because you are further perpetuating the stigma of herpes? Why do cold sores on the mouth get to be called cold sores or fever blisters, instead of what it really is, herpes? Why because over 85% of the population has it and it can be down played, since everyone basically has it and doesn't want to be humiliated by being labeled as having herpes? Love the hypocrisy of people. This is likely, jot your first or going to be the last time you sleep w someone w herpes. So those are numbers yiu can add onto the 16-20% of Americans have hsv 2 genitally. I found out not long after sleeping w someone when I was 18, that they had herpes and thank god I didn't get it.... I wasn't so lucky this time, after being absident for over two yrs. I've never been promiscuous and have been very careful. It happens to the best of us. But you know what, herpes is a good way tobweed people out and after 5 months, alls you can think about is having to tell other women in the future, sounds like you're not that serious for her and it might hurt her, but might do her a favor getting someone out of her life that isn't man enough to likely be the husband that is there through sickness and health down the road. Sounds like you made up your mind already, not sure what anyone can say to convince you. I have 5 gfs who are married w heroes and partners didn't have it and a 6th one who has been married twice and has never given it. Her first husband was w her for 7yrs and never got it. My heart breaks for your gf, because I can imagine what is going through her head right now and what this means for her and now she has a bf who is likely being cold and distant toward her; worrying you're gonna reject her too, like you fear having done to you, in an unlikely to ever come to fruition hypothetical scenario in the future that hasn't happened yet. You should be supporting her bro... Listen I don't know you, but the tone seems way over the top and uncalled for. This is new to me, I'm emotional and struggling with it and searching for advice. So having self interest where you don't want to catch something that can impact you the rest of your life make you not a man? Did I say that I'm only concerned about telling future women? Just because I didn't type out everything I feel doesn't mean it isn't there. Many relationships fail after 5 months. I don't think it's ridiculous to try and not get starry eyed and think about it logically and apart from your feelings as much as you can. There are other long term issues such as having children that are also a factor in us staying together. It's a pull and tug between weighing your options. I was simply looking for how others have approached it. Their decision making process. Your judgement, I believe is uncalled for. I could easily say shame on you--shame on you for being so harsh and judgemental on someone who is just genuninely seeking help. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Insulting someone's manhood after one post is ridiculous, in my opinion. Perhaps I came to the wrong forum. You don't have to reply, I'm not trying to start a war here. What arw the issues w having children? All my friends have had their kids vaginally w no issues and that is a total of 10kids born to a herpes positive person. By 5 months, a guy knows whether he's in for the long run or not, which is why I made that comment. Again, you didn't address the real points I was making, because you know they're valid points and you can't argue them. You can catch it from the next STD free girl who has no idea she has hsv 1 on her mouth and tests negative for it like I do. That is the risk of being sexual w people. People cheat and you can't stop that. That's how a couple of my gfs got it, from their partner cheating on them. These are things out of our control and while it may be a life long conditon, obviously it is nothing that really has impacted your gfs life. She's obviously asymptomatic like the 85-90% of people who have it. Tell me how horrible it is again, when you've no idea? You have herpes zoster dormant on your system if you've had chicken pox and that can reactivate.. Should you not date anyone who has had chicken pox, cause they might spread it to you, cause you've never gotten chicken pox? We all pretty much by the time we are sexually active, have been infected w. HSV 1, EBV aka Mono, VZS aka chicken pox, CMV - also another cause to mono, HHV-6 which is airborne and we all get by the time we are two and HHV7... I left out HSV 2 and HHV8, because they aren't as easily spread and therefore less people have them. HHV8 only AIDs patience get that... The rest we have and go about our daily lives. We may have gotten sick when we were exposed or like the vast majority of people who have a decent immune system, never knew anything the wiser that they have been infected w something else. My tone is bases on how you sounded. You come to a site, where we arw the very unlucky few who have had obs and talk about dropping a girl who is emotionally traumatized right now and you're just worried about yourself. Your reaction is a part of the stigmatization of this disease and is what makes people like her and the rest of us continue to suffer and it affect our self esteems. So yes, lots of compassion and passion behind my words, cause my heart breaks for your gf and I'm sorry if it came off that way. It's obviously an emotional subject and you indirectly were offensive, due to ignorance about it. I feel we misunderstood one another. Yes, you make many, many valid points. I didn't address them you're right. They are good though. You clearly know your stuff on this virus. I didn't realize this forum was a focus of those who specifically are having outbreaks. You are right, my post was ignorant to that. It may come off as I'm only worried about myself. But that's not true. I am worried about her, and us, or else I wouldn't even be here. I have a phobia of all germs, not just herpes. I've struggled with it since I was a kid. I don't mean to add to the stigma. My concern is if we don't work out, that I would have a very hard time finding someone new, due to that stigma. Part of my reaction is due to that social programming, you're probably right. Let me say I have many medical issues myself, one which is very rare, so I am familiar with being part of an unlucky few. I'm sorry if I offended, but it was entirely unintentional. I hope you can believe that. I've had two relationships end that went longer than a year, so I don't think it's fair to say after 5 months you're in it for the long haul. I think in my case it's fair to say I'm in it to see what happens and potentially look at long term. But I don't think you really know someone for a couple of years. That's just my opinion, though. I had no idea that many people were asymptomatic. I suppose if you're one of those and you haven't been tested, you just live in ignorant bliss. Your point that nearly everyone has HSV1 and can pass that to your genitals is relevant. From what I've read, if you already have HSV1, you probably do if you're an adult, that's very unlikely, though. Since you know a lot about this, can you explain your thoughts on how to best prevent transmission, as well as associated chances of that happening? Just curious on your thoughts. Lastly, I do think the insulting my manhood comment was over the line. I was ignorant to this forum and it's member, I admit that. I'm not educated on this, that's what I'm trying to change. No offense was meant. You're right, I definitely can be reactive to things and can be quick on the tongue. I get overly protective of the young girls on this site and when they read a story of someone feeling the way you do, my fear is it further drives home to the they are not worthy; hence my coning on very direct and sharp. I apologize for the man up comment, definitely over the top. It just breaks my heart, when I hear these girls on here say the things they do. I will exhaust it for months and stay up all night and I won't stop until I feel I found everything I can possibly. This is the reason I know so much. I saw how much false information was out there and remembering how alone I felt when I first got it 6 months ago. When I found this site and decided to post, it was because I promised myself I wanted to somehow prevent false information, stigmatization, pain and loneliness the best I could. I didn't want people to feel like I did. I have a crappy immune system, because I have autoimmune disorders... My body is too busy attacking itself, to address hsv 2. I'd hoped it would address it the way it dies hsv 1 orally, but no such luck. I had an extrwe and unique and excruciating reaction to it. Even the ones who do breakout when they get it, are likely to nwwvr have any more or only a few a yr and them be very mild. One friend gets 1 sore right before her period every month. That's the same as soneone getting a cold sore every month on their lip from going out drinking all night. I appreciate and respect your concern and I apologize for jumping to conclusions that you weren't, when I read your post. So that 2% to less number comes from abstaining during symptoms. She may have zero, but there's a possibility that she may have the ever so slightest and had no idea it was related to herpes like most do. She now may need to pay extra attention.. Was there a tingle, an itch, a crawly sensation, back ache, etc? Those are like things that people get and mistake for thursh. So abstain from sex during any symptoms if she Kearns she may have very mike ones that obviously don't result in sores for her, use daily suppressive therapy that cuts your risk of transmission by 50-60% and condoms by another 30% and your chances are about 2% or less a yr. You have a higher chance of dying in a car accident than you do of getting herpes following the above guidelines. A couple of my girls friends have had it for a decade or a little less, had several partners during that time and never spread it. The people who are the greatest risk of spreading it, are the ones who are asymptomatic AND don't know they have it, because they aren't paying attention to their mild signs and arw not following other cautionary measures. Is it a game of risk you take? But you don't stop driving, because of that 1. Thank you for your time and the information. I'm bummed to hear about your issues. I know it's worth nothing, but I hope you can find some relief. I have rare neurological condition for which there is no treatment. It can lead to disability as time goes on. I'm sharing because you did, and I want you to know I appreciate your struggle. The information you have provided is incredibly helpful. This is exactly the type of stuff I was looking for. Also, the comparison to dying in a car accident is very thought provoking. From what I gather the odds of dying in a car wreck are lifetime risk of 1-500 or so. But I get your point. Again, thank you for the information. I appreciate your comments and wish you the best. I certainly have a lot to think about. I'm really sorry to hear that you have a neurological problem and I can see why and how that would weigh in on your decision much more to possibly risk getting a life time disease. I now feel even more like an sshole for pounding on you, when I shouldn't have. I think that is some serious soul searching you are going to need to do. I think abstaining from sex and just seeing where things go with you two, may be helpful. Have you gotten tested as well? I don't want to push you to brush it off, being that you have some other medical conditions to think about. I can say as I've stated previously, us on here for the most part; are the exception and not the rule with having obs. Outbreaks are also significantly more painful for women, than for men. You'll notice if you search this site, men don't really post here and if they do, they don't use descriptions such as: This is the worst pain of my life, like the women do. Not sure if that's any consolation.. You all just don't have as much mucous membrane skin as we do down below, which makes us more suspetible to infection and the fact that the vast majoirty of us shave bald down there increases the likely hood of being infected as well. You all have been having sex this long and not got anything.. I hope and pray that you find peace in whatever decision you make and I'll always answer your posts if you have any other questions.. So just know, that myself and others are always here. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, I would be lying if I said having other diseases didn't weigh into my thinking of taking on another. It definitely enters your thinking. I haven't been tested yet. My thought was wait a few weeks after abstaining from sex, the whole windows period thing. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, just based on odds I feel pretty good that I won't have it--but then again I've already hit the lottery backwards a couple of times with health so you never know! Question--what about fingering and handjobs? I'm trying to come up with some stuff we could in the interim where we aren't having sex, that would still be satisfying to both. Hand job sounds no issue so long as she hasn't just touched her vaginal area. Fingering I guess is the real question. I've read that you're pretty much alright to do this, as the fingers aren't a mucous membrane. I also know you can get it on your finger, if you have an open wound or something. But assuming the skin is intact, that should be a safe option, or no? Also, don't beat yourself up. I was ignorant at first. I've been panicking a bit and probably still am, and in looking for answers I didn't think of how I would come across. So part of that is certainly on me. You've more than made up for it with your kindness since. Nope, I get it... I've been handed a crap hand w health as well and I was in the process of getting diagnosed w my other aliments, when I got this and I just felt like is enough is enough already. In regards to your fingers, that's hsv 1 you gotta worry about. That's called herpes whitlow. Hsv 1 is much note versatile in where it'll spread vs hsv 2. Hsv 2 really just doesn't like anything outside of the genital area. It's nearly impossible yo get hsv 2 orally as well. I should have thought about being in your position, because ten yrs ago I was, only it was HPV w the person I loved. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, so I do feel really bad. So how is she handling everything right now? So just to clarify--fingering should be just fine then is what I'm hearing you say, yes? My thought here is to try and still keep some sort of sex life up while we abstain for a bit. If it's safe, which sounds like it is, that sounds like a good alternative. Also on the oral front, it sounds like that should be pretty safe both ways, yes? If it's tough for HSV2 to go to my mouth, and she giving oral obviously doesn't provide skin to skin contact with her genitals... She actually has HPV issues also. She is having to get tested for cells, I don't know a whole lot about it. It's sounds treatable even if it is, but certainly nothing easy or fun to have. So she's sort of been put through the ringer. I was also thinking this would be a good time to talk more about the kids situation. So--she desperately wants kids. I've always been open to the idea... The neurological disease I have, I've learned there is a solid chance it's genetic. I just can't live with that risk. I'd be open to adoption, but I'm not sure how she'd feel. But, perhaps now is a good time to have the convo. If we are going to ahead and try and work through this, perhaps it's time to put all of the cards on the table and make sure at least on paper we are fully compatible. I mean would I have a fresh wound and do that if I were you? But I don't think people should do that w or w out herpes if they have a wound. Hsv 1 is the one that people get on wrestling matches and such. It's just a super slim chance a s even let's say it did, you'd likely never know it show signs. The couple recorded cases they have of someone w hsv 2 have shown that they don't have obs and shed maybe one every 10yrs or less. Well there arw different strains of HPV. There arw the high risk, which cause cancer and then low risk strains cause genital warts and are not cancerous. About 80% of people have some strain of HPV at one point in their life time. Men are the carriers, can't get rested for it and don't show signs of high risk HPV, but spread it. I think that's a good idea to talk about the kid situation right now and I completely understand your position. I don't want kids myself and some of that has to do w genetic predispositions as well. I just wouldn't want to put an innocent life through what I've been through. I think figuring out all the things you guys want in life right now, is a great idea to see if you guys are on the same page and compatible long term. Do you love her? You can message me privately on herw if you'd like to, so you're not putting this all out here Good evening. I am glad I came across this forum as I was searching for my own unusual case. I will preface my comment with the fact that a handful of doctors told me they have never seen or read about an occurrence like mine. It has been 3 years since the time I calculated getting hsv2, and just over 2 years since a doctor diagnosed it. But it occurred on my knee. Nowhere else on my body. Check after check I am fine. But a blood test will return positive for hsv2. No one I was in contact with during the time I was unaware and after I tested has been affected. Although it is an on my knee I suffered from the same emotional pain and rejection from people who were mainly uninformed. My boyfriend at the time completely abandoned me never to be heard from again lol. The stigma was still present. I was devastated and literally felt like who would be with me now. Other than this I am completely healthy. I do not take daily suppression therapy and have not had a disturbance in over 2 years. When I am stressed or sometimes before my cycle I may feel the waves or tingles from time to time. I take vitamins and L-Lysine daily. If I feel my stress level is too high that is the only time I will take a few days of suppression therapy. All that said, if you've run into any forums with people having hsv2 in odd places and nothing in the genitals I'd love to know! Cayla I will preface this by saying I am not a doctor, and you should talk to a competent doctor about your problem. HOWEVER I just want to say: Not sure why the doctors haven't heard of a case like yours, it's actually pretty common. Herpes virus doesn't actually infect skin, it infects nerves. There are nerves all over your body though and there are clusters at the major joints, hip, neck, knee, elbow etc and all of those clusters can become infected with HSV! Typically it is HSV-1 but HSV-2 is pretty common as well for wrestler's herpes. The good news, and why I hope you see this is that the odds of you transmitting it sexually to your partner are quite low if you simply cover your knee during outbreaks. Even if you didn't, unless his genitals are coming into contact with your knee he probably wouldn't get it there, he'd be more likely to get it on his leg or arm which would probably come into contact with your knee during such an encounter. Either way, you should keep it covered during outbreaks to prevent transmission, but if future partners are scared away, just tell them it's 'wrestler's herpes' and to research that if they need to ease their mind. I recently found out that my girlfriend has a similar situation as you. She found out she has herpes but only get a reaction behind her knee. I was wondering if you have any updates as to if you've transmitted it to anyone since you've post this? And i would also like to pick your brain a bit if you're still on here. Thanks in advance -Jr It is a stressful thing to deal with, learning your partner has Herpes and you could have been in contact with the infection itself. But if you truly love this girl of 5 months, or think you might you need to look at your options all in all. Be open with her and tell her how you feel about the situation, she's just as scared as you are I'm sure only more so knowingly having it. I hope the best for you both and I'm here to talk if needed. You need to relax he just explained and it is normal to freak out. So it is okay that he is searching for information like he explained. It is something a person need to talk to somebody about no matter what and not be judged. So calm down and leave him alone if you do not have anything good to say or have in mind to help. I really appreciate your comment for sticking up for us. I am going through the same situation I am the one that has it and my bf is the one being dry and distant. It hurts so much that I am dealing with this alone and not with him. I am happy I found this thread. I know maybe he is in shock but it sucks that he hasn't even asked not even once how I am feeling, it's hard to cry to yourself and have no one. All he cares about is his health which I understand but I agree in 5 months you should know if it's a long run or not. For me it's been 4 months and he said I love you but now with this I feel like he doesn't because of the way he is treating me and I just want some advice if a man is dry with you because of this... I just wanted to say thank you for being so supportive to the women with HSV2. I'm 60 now, but I founded out that I had HSV2 about 8 years ago, I was devastated when I founded out, I thought my life was over. After talking with my doctor she told me that so many of the women was testing positive that the actual stopped doing the test unless the patient requested it. Unfortunately you can have the virus and not know it. I just wished that people would understand that your still a person even if you have the virus. A lot of people won't take on the responsibility of doing the right thing by telling the new person in their life because they don't want them to not want to be with them sexual and therefore they just keep passing it on to others. It's hard but I have taken the responsibility of what I have and would never be with someone without them knowing. Thanks again for your support. I agree with you BummerKC. It is your right as a human being to consider your options as well as your future. Herpes is forever and if you can go unscathed, then do so. My one advice to you is trying requesting prior to sex. Keep your distance and decide if you want the job or shall I say head ach. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the forums is subject to our and and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.

Is It Safe To Be Sexually Intimate With Someone With Herpes?
The other night as things heated up, she stopped and said she had something to tell me. This is a very serious disease. Unfortunately you can have the virus and not know it. Ask the jesus you are dating if her herpes is HSV-1 which most often manifests as oral herpes or HSV-2 which most often manifests as genital herpes. No offense was meant. You seem to want to be so self-reliant that everyone is to blame for having a disease that they could have met from their mother. When the blisters break, they leave small sores, also called ulcers, which can be very painful. I definitely wanted to develop a quick message so as to express gratitude to you for these awesome use of herbs herbal med you have used to and my life. Chances are, attitudes about herpes will change in the coming decades.

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